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Old Town Pier 情報

Old Town Pier

Koh Lanta Old Town Pier: A Tapestry of History and Culture


Koh Lanta is a pretty island sitting on the east coast of Thailand. This island hides a special place called the Koh Lanta Old Town. In this town, there's a sense of magic. Every street, every corner, it's like they're whispering old stories to you. Stories about sea gypsies. They are like ocean travelers. And you will learn about how people from China used to come here to trade their stuff a long time ago.

Right in the middle of this town, there's a super long pier. Now, this isn't just any pier. It's built high on wooden legs called stilts. It's been there for a very long time and has seen many, many days go by. It's like the heart of the town, holding so many memories and stories.


Stretching far into the sea, the long pier of Koh Lanta Old Town is more than just a path over water. Every step on the pier feels like walking on old stories. It reminds you of the sea gypsies who once sailed these waters long ago. The pier, built on stilts, shows how good people were at building things long ago. The pier stands as a reminder of days gone by. It makes us think of a time when everyone's life moved with the coming and going of the sea waves. Back then, the ocean wasn't just a vast expanse of water. It was a generous provider that offered its many gifts to the people who lived by its shores.

Walking along the pier, one is greeted with the tantalizing aroma of traditional Thai dishes. For those with a penchant for eating in Koh Lanta, the Old Town offers a culinary journey like no other. The crown jewel in this gastronomic adventure is the Pinto Restaurant. Famed for its delectable dishes, it promises a dining experience that transports you to the heart of Thai cuisine.

As you stroll along the pier, you'll notice charming little shops lining its sides, each offering local crafts. These aren't just simple items. They're a story, a memory of Koh Lanta. Inside, there are hand-woven fabrics to see. There are also small items carved with great care. Each of these items tells a story about Koh Lanta's deep and colorful past. They share whispers of the sea gypsies, the island's first travelers, and hints of the days when traders from China would visit with their goods. For anyone wanting a special reminder of their time on Koh Lanta, these shops are the perfect place to find a piece of the island's heart and history.

As you stroll along the pier, you'll notice charming little shops selling local crafts lining its sides. Each of these shops isn't just a store; they're a gateway to Koh Lanta's rich tapestry of history and culture. Inside, you'll find things like fabric that's been woven by hand and intricately carved trinkets. Inside, you'll find things like fabric that's been woven by hand and intricately carved trinkets, each echoing tales of sea gypsies and reminiscing the era of Chinese trading that once thrived here. For visitors wanting to take home a piece of Koh Lanta's essence, these local shops offer the perfect keepsakes of the island's deep-rooted heritage.

A stone's throw away from the pier stands a magnificent Chinese temple, its intricate designs a testament to Koh Lanta's rich tapestry of cultures. It stands as a silent witness to the island's trading history with China, a time when ships laden with spices and silks anchored off the coast of Koh Lanta.

For the explorers at heart, the nearby Koh Lanta Yai and the west coast of Koh Lanta are just a 30 minutes journey away. With their vibrant bars, golden beaches, and lively atmosphere, they offer a stark contrast to the serene beauty of the Old Town. The west coast, in particular, with its lively bars and stunning beaches, showcases a different side of the island, one of celebration and revelry.


The Koh Lanta Old Town is a mosaic of history, culture, and natural beauty. With its iconic long pier, flavorful culinary offerings, and rich heritage, it offers a journey through time. As the golden hues of the sunset bathe the town in a warm glow, visitors are left with memories of a place where the past and present dance in harmonious rhythm.

Things to Know:

Sea Gypsy Tales: Dive deep into the stories of sea gypsies, the original navigators of Koh Lanta's waters.

Culinary Adventures: The Pinto Restaurant, among other eateries, promises a culinary journey that's authentically Koh Lanta.

Trade and Temples: The Chinese temple is a testament to the vibrant trade relations Koh Lanta once enjoyed with China.

Neighboring Wonders: Don't miss out on Koh Lanta Yai and the west coast of Koh, just a quick 30-minute trip away.

Local Crafts: The crafts available at the shops and restaurants on the pier aren't just items but memories of Koh Lanta's bygone days.

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  • {p} {c} per person

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島々を探索することは、まるで魔法のフェリーに飛び乗るようなものです。想像してみてください。素晴らしいペトパイリン島から、穏やかでリラックスできるランタ島のビーチ、そしてピピ島の超スリリングな雰囲気へと簡単に行くことができます。そして、さらにエキサイティングなことは何だと思いますか? 他にもたくさんの素晴らしい場所が、お客様が訪れるのを待っています!


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モダンな船団: 最先端のフェリーでスタイリッシュに旅をしましょう。このフェリーは、お客様の旅を楽しくリラックスしたものにするために設計されています。


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時間厳守は当社の得意分野です! お客様が各島を探索して、忘れられない特別な思い出を作るのに十分な時間を確保します。

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概要: 当社が提供する目的地の一部

サムイ島 - 手つかずの風景と穏やかな雰囲気のあるサムイ島の隠れた美しさを発見してください。

ランタ島 - ランタ島のゆったりとしたライフスタイルと手付かずのビーチに浸ってください。

ピピ島 - 活気に満ちたエネルギー、ターコイズブルーの海、ピピ島の象徴的なトンサイ桟橋を体験してください。

ラ​​ンタ ペトパイリン号で出航すると、一生に一度の旅が始まります。当社のフェリーは、素晴らしい場所への扉を開く魔法の鍵のようなものです。ペトパイリン島の澄んだ海からランタ島の美しい景色、ピピ島のエキサイティングなパーティーまで行くことができます。まるでまったく新しい世界に足を踏み入れたような気分です。

安全性、快適さ、完璧なサービスへの揺るぎない取り組みにより、当社はお客様の航海が島々と同じくらい素晴らしいものになることを保証します。ランタ ペトパイリン号を、タイの島々の美しさ、文化、自然の驚異を発見するための架け橋にしてください。あなたの冒険は私たちから始まります。

ランタ ペトパイリン号で出航すると、島々を探索し、タイの島々を愛するグループの一員になることができます。すべての旅行者が、これらの場所を将来にわたって安全に保つことに貢献しています。

ぜひ当社にご乗船いただき、単なる休暇以上の旅をお楽しみください。ランタ ペトパイリンでは、お客様に幸せを感じていただき、いつまでも大切にしたい思い出になるような冒険をお届けできることを嬉しく思っています。


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