成人 (>9 yrs)
儿童 (2-9 yrs)
  • {l}

帕岸岛 to 苏梅岛

By Haadrin Queen
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


12:30 帕岸岛, Haad Rin Queen Pier


30 分钟


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


13:00 苏梅岛, Haad Rin Queen Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date
  • Economy Class

  • 750 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 24 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 24 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • The ferry can be changed to different ferry type it depends on amount of passengers and suitable.
  • No pets allowed.
  • 30KG per person.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device on the day of your travel. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Check in point: Koh Phangan, Haad Rin at HAAD RIN QUEEN Pier
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for pregnant women, children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.

Trip Information

Unveiling Haad Rin Pier: Koh Phangan's Doorway to Paradise


At the southern tip of the beautiful island of Koh Phangan is a place called Haad Rin. People from all over the world come to visit it. Mainly because Haad Rin has some of the most beautiful white beaches you've ever seen. And when the sun goes down, the place comes alive with music and dancing. It's like a door that opens up to a really fun and exciting island adventure. If you come here, you'll have memories to cherish forever.


Haad Rin Pier is like the front door to the amazing island of Koh Phangan. Many people also call it "Haad Rin Queen Pier." The Haad Rin Pier is in a really good spot, right in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand. This means that if you're coming from the lively island of Koh Samui, it's easy to get to. And if you're looking for the calm and chill vibes of Ko Pha Ngan, you're in the right place too. There's also a big city called Surat Thani that's not too far away. This is great because if you're coming from Bangkok, you can easily get to Surat Thani and then hop over to Haad Rin Pier.

A mere 15 km from the renowned Thong Sala, Haad Rin Pier transcends its role as a mere mooring spot. Upon disembarking, you are immediately embraced by the breathtaking natural marvels of Koh Phangan.

Are you interested in a beach party? The legendary Full Moon Party at Haad Rin Nok Beach awaits, a pulsating blend of music, dance, and celebration like no other. Might you prefer a serene retreat? The serene beaches of Thong Nai Pan and Nai Pan Yai are perfect getaways.

From this distinguished pier, voyagers have the privilege to set forth to proximate landmarks and sights. The majestic Koh Tao and Ban Tai beckon just a short distance away, offering unparalleled coastal beauty. For aficionados of nature, the nearby national park serves as a sanctuary brimming with rich biodiversity. Additionally, for connoisseurs of history, the region resonates with narratives of the illustrious kings of Thailand, adding a layer of cultural depth to your seaside sojourn.


At its core, Haad Rin Pier is more than just a place to start your trip. It's like the main beat in a song that is all about your Koh Phangan journey. Whether you came for the sandy beaches, the fun parties, or just some peace and quiet, remember that it all kicks off from this special pier.

Things to Know:

Haad Rin Pier is the closest point to attend the world-renowned Full Moon Party. From Haad Rin, the quieter Thong Nai Pan and Nai Pan Yai beaches are just a short ride away. Direct boat services link Haad Rin Queen Pier to Koh Samui and Surat Thani.

If you would like to see more of Koh Phangan, there are plenty of local transport options to get you around.

Make sure to enjoy the scenic views as you approach the pier, especially during sunrise or sunset.

Speed Boat: Haad Rin Queen Pier - Haad Rin Queen Pier



歡迎來到哈林皇后碼頭。 這是您探索蘇梅島帕岸島濤島。 它們都是泰國灣迷人的島嶼。 在這裡,您可以發現原始的海灘。 您可以體驗火焰表演。 您可以享受日出海灘的寧靜時刻。 他們都在等待被發現。


蘇梅島東海岸是哈林皇后碼頭 (Haad Rin Queen Pier) 的所在地。 這是您通往原始白色沙灘、迷人的火焰表演和難忘的海灘派對的門戶。 這個熙熙攘攘的碼頭是島嶼之間的重要連接,也是您島嶼冒險的起點。

蘇梅島以其美麗的海灘和標誌性的大佛而聞名,提供各種各樣的活動。 探索島上迷人的海岸線,欣賞原始海灘與蔚藍海水的交會。

在涼爽的椰子樹蔭下享受片刻的寧靜,品味熱帶風情。 然後,深入了解泰國的文化豐富性。 參觀標誌性的大佛寺,這是該國遺產和宗教的迷人證明。

租用踏板車探索島上隱藏的瑰寶時,必須優先考慮安全。 踏上旅程時請務必配戴安全帽。 它確保了對島上秘密寶藏的安全和愉快的探索。

從哈林皇后碼頭 (Haad Rin Queen Pier) 出發,您可以乘船前往帕岸島 (Koh Phangan)。 該島以其日出海灘上傳奇的滿月派對而聞名。

島嶼北側以通奈潘 (Thong Nai Pan) 的寧靜美景而聞名。 這是一個寧靜且自然壯麗的地方。 探索這座島嶼未受破壞的美麗,這裡有國家公園和茂盛的椰子樹。

對於那些渴望冒險的人來說,可以向北前往濤島,那裡以其一流的潛水點和生機勃勃的海洋世界而聞名。 這是一個等待探索的潛水者天堂。

潛入迷人的海底世界。 當一天即將結束時,您可以在日落海灘欣賞令人驚嘆的日落。 這裡是觀賞夕陽美景的絕佳地點。


哈林皇后碼頭不只是一個交通樞紐; 這是您島嶼探索的開始。 這些島嶼適合每個人,無論您想要海灘派對、寧靜的白色沙灘還是迷人的海底世界。 您的選擇多種多樣且令人興奮。 從現在開始,開啟您難忘的冒險之旅。




哈林碼頭有兩個主要部分:哈林奈 (Haad Rin Nai) 和哈林諾 (Haad Rin Nok)。

帕岸島的通奈盤 (Thong Nai Pan) 是一顆隱藏的寶石,非常適合放鬆身心。
