成人 (>9 年)
儿童 (2-9 年)
  • {l}

从 素叻他尼 到 东萨克

By Phantip 1970 Co., Ltd
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:00 素叻他尼, 素叻他尼机场


2 小时


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


10:00 东萨克, Seatran轮渡码头


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date


  • Refunds will only be issued at our discretion with 24 Hours cancellation notice at 50%
  • with 48 Hours cancellation notice at 70%
  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 48 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. EXCEPT the trip from Koh Samui that you have to check in at PHANTIP TRAVEL OFFICE in 1 hour before departure time. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Baggage: 1 hand carry luggage + 1 Suitcase shall not exceed 20 inches per person are allowed. * **Passengers with large suitcases (more than 20 inches or XL-sized suitcases with wheels)** are required to pay extra luggage fees and handling fees to the ticket counter directly. This is just a precaution. The minivan/bus may be full and there may be no extra space for luggage. We had cases when passengers could not board with big bags.
  • Vehicle type is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • During block dates, Holiday seasons, 3 days before and 3 days after the Fullmoon no changes can be made to the tickets as the ferry operators limited any changes.
  • Illegal drugs, endangered animals, combustible liquids, flammable products, compressed gases, explosives, ammunition, firearms, fireworks, corpse, hazardous material or food items with strong odour are not allowed in the bus or minivan compartments.
  • Oversized baggage or items such as surfboards, musical instruments, scooters, bicycles or motorcycles for instance must notified to the driver on whether or not oversized baggage’s or items can properly fit in the vehicle. Extra payments could be incurred if these baggage or items need extra handling and care. All customers must be aware of extra charges that may incur for handling fee.
  • Animals or insects are generally prohibited as this pose risks and issues with drivers and other passengers on board. It is prohibited by law and the department of Land Transportation to allow animals on board. The driver and staff has the right to refuse service for animal transportation as this might conflict with religious believes health issues and complaints from other passengers.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • If you intend to travel with an animal, please reach out to Customer Support in advance to confirm with the service provider.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Check in point: at the Phantip Travel counter, located opposite the arrival hall on the first floor of Surat Thani Airport.

Trip Information


素叻他尼机场坐落在热闹的素叻他尼省的中心地带。 这是您探索泰国南部所有迷人景点的主要门户。

走出机场,繁忙的素叻他尼市就在那里。 人们称其为“好人之城”。 它是古老传统、当地文化和美丽自然的完美结合。


素叻他尼市是一座迷人的城市,位于塔皮河畔。 它不仅仅是一个城市中心。 它证明了该地区丰富的历史和文化。 参观 城柱神社 或古老的 帕博罗玛泰柴亚寺 可以一睹其传奇的过去。 班敦曾经是一个繁荣的港口,讲述着这座城市与贸易和海洋的长期联系的故事。

素叻他尼国际机场是那些想要探索泰国湾迷人岛屿的旅客的便利入境点。 从素叻他尼市繁华的街道出发,原始海滩和未受破坏的国家公园仅一箭之遥。

深入考索国家公园的大自然中心。 这里拥有令人惊叹的石灰岩山脉、茂密的雨林和宁静的湖泊,是自然爱好者的天堂。 其翠绿的景观与该地区的海岸美景形成鲜明对比。

苏梅岛 (Ko Samui Ko) 是泰国湾的一颗明珠,拥有白色的沙滩和 清澈碧绿的海水。 它拥有完美融合放松和乐趣的氛围。 难怪这座充满豪华度假村和充满活力的夜生活的岛屿如此吸引游客。

帕岸岛以其令人兴奋的满月派对而闻名,是一座对比鲜明的岛屿。 除了充满活力的派对场景外,这里还拥有宁静的海滩、瀑布和众多的自然活动。

涛岛是潜水爱好者的天堂。 这个岛屿拥有丰富的海洋生物和珊瑚礁,是水下探险的首选目的地。 潜入海底,探索充满奇迹和冒险的海底世界。

素叻他尼机场不仅仅是一个机场——; 这是泰国南部省无数冒险的开始。 该地区拥有从宁静的自然景点到丰富的文化体验和轻松的海滩的一切。 只需一次飞行即可开始您的冒险。


- 素叻他尼机场提供国内和国际航班,包括飞往吉隆坡的频繁航班。

- 这里是前往安通海洋国家公园或考索国家公园旅行的理想起点。

- 机场有多种方式带您前往市区和周边其他精彩景点。

- 机场设施确保旅客舒适,设有商店、餐厅和必要的服务。

- 请务必查看季节性促销活动,因为该地区拥有众多不容错过的节日和活动。

巴士: 素叻他尼机场 - Seatran轮渡码头



它为游客前往迷人的岛屿提供平稳的旅程。如果您梦想探索岛屿,就从这里开始吧。这个码头是起点。您的冒险之旅将从这里开始。欢迎来到Seatran Ferry码头。您的岛屿之旅从现在开始。

关于Seatran Ferry码头

Seatran Ferry是船界的一个知名品牌。他们以可靠和舒适而闻名。他们还有一项名为Seatran Discovery的服务。这就像他们的额外奖励。他们总是努力为旅行者提供更好的服务。这意味着每次乘船旅行都会感觉很棒。他们有一个特别的地方,叫做Seatran Ferry Pier。

这是他们大多数船只的出发点。他们精心建造了这个地方。为什么呢?因为他们非常关心旅客。他们希望每个人都能顺利开始他们的船程。当您来到Seatran Ferry Pier时,您就会知道一切尽在掌握。

Seatran轮渡码头是您的冒险之旅的起点。从这里,您可以乘船前往另一个名为Nathon Pier的地方。是什么吸引人们前往?因为这里是通往美丽的苏梅岛(Koh Samui)的大门。想象一下,一个拥有绿树、高山和干净沙滩的岛屿。

苏梅岛(Koh Samui)确实是一颗宝石。它让人远离单调的日常,带来清新的体验。这座岛屿向您承诺宁静与放松。前往这里的旅程本身就是一种体验,充满了平静与安宁的时刻。当您乘坐渡轮在清澈的海面上滑行,反射着太阳的微光时,一种焕然一新的感觉将您包围。到达后,您不仅踏上了岛屿,还进入了一个探索的领域,感到精神焕发,渴望发现它的宝藏。

在Seatran轮渡码头开始您的激动人心的旅程。 这是您前往一个名为涛岛的特别岛屿的起点。 涛岛与其他地方不同。 它非常美丽。 想象一下,一个海水清澈、海滩金黄的地方。 许多人喜欢去那里潜水,因为海底世界令人惊叹。






Seatran Ferry码头在其他码头中脱颖而出。它不仅仅是一个船只停靠和出发的简单场所。它是承诺和及时性的光辉典范。当你观察操作时,很明显,一切都在精确地运行,就像维护良好的时钟的齿轮一样。他们计划得很好,所以每艘船都能平稳、准时地运行。这种可靠性让旅行者感到安心。因此,如果您打算前往苏梅岛、涛岛或帕岸岛,请放心。您的旅程从始至终都会得到妥善安排。提供如此卓越服务的原因很简单。Seatran Ferry Pier 非常重视每位旅客给予他们的信任,并珍惜他们给予的时间。

Seatran Ferry Pier 并非普通码头。它见证了卓越的航海技术,开启了无数难忘旅程。码头坐落在素叻府董沙克宁静的中心地带,占据着独特的地理位置。它作为通往最受欢迎的岛屿目的地的桥梁。每趟旅程都有其独特的魅力。前往帕岸岛,您会感受到海滩的活力。在涛岛,有一个宁静的水下世界吸引着人们。苏梅岛拥有令人叹为观止的美景,不容错过。

在这些旅行的背后,是Seatran Ferry的辛勤工作和专业知识。他们确保每一次旅行都是特别的。这个码头是精心策划与热情的交汇点,确保每一位旅客的体验都与众不同。当您想到游览泰国美丽的岛屿时,请记住一件事。这个神奇旅程的最佳起点是一个特别的地方。这个地方就是Seatran Ferry码头。它以卓越而闻名,为迷人的岛屿冒险奠定了基调。因此,当您梦想着那些原始的海岸时,请记住,您的旅程始于著名的Seatran轮渡码头。



优越的地理位置:Seatran Ferry Pier码头位于Donsak区17/1 Moo 8,地理位置优越,交通便捷。


注重环保:Seatran Ferry以环保运营为荣,确保对原始海洋环境的影响降到最低。

安全第一:Seatran Ferry和码头坚持采用一流的安全标准。这确保了旅客在启航时能够安心。